Yesterday we covered organizing information online, digital citizenship, Google Sites (my favorite website design site), other search tools, widgets, website evaluation, and safety and netiquette.
First off I have to say that I LOVE LiveBinder. It's beyond simple to use and I can already think of 1000 uses for it. I was planning on making wikis for information to help learn a foreign language, but now I'm making LiveBinders. I already made one for German which you can view here. I'm already planning on making one for French and Spanish...I figure if I have all three of them I'm pretty much covered for the languages taught in most high schools (except for the occasional Italian, Latin, and Japanese...which I can always make later).
I learned more about Google Sites, which was great because I learned how to organize my pages easily rather than the strange way I did in the site I made for LIS 511. I'll definitely be using it again.
We barely got into the search engines but I'll play around with them later. Clusty in particular looks good.
The widget thing looks neat but kind of confusing, I'll have to look into it later.
The digital citizenship portion had some really good information in it, especially the stuff about copyrighting was extremely interesting and pertinent. It's all still a grey area but I'm going to make sure I look for the creative commons license.
I had already learned about some of the web evaluation websites but some of the links will definitely prove helpful in the future.
The netiquette and safety parts were great because there have been so many issues with cyberbulling, texting, sexting, etc.. for awhile now. Many of the tools she gave us I will definitely use when I'm teaching my classes about internet safety. I particularly liked the Brain Pop and the link that had what all the abbreviations stand for...half the time I don't know either!
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